JIRCAS Report - Laos
Senior Researcher HASADA Katsumi receives the Japan Society of Regional and Agricultural Development (JASRAD) Encouragement Award for Food Security Research in Laos
On June 29, 2024, Dr. HASADA Katsumi (Senior Researcher, Rural Development Division) received the Japan Society of Regional and Agricultural Development (JASRAD) Encouragement Award at the Society’s 2024 Spring Meeting.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Lao PDR) delegation visits JIRCAS
A delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR, including the Deputy Director General of Department of Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Phommy Inthichack, and Deputy Director General of Department of Agricultural Land Management, Dr. Thatheva Saphangthong visited JIRCAS on November 7, 2024. The Ministry is currently considering a new five-year Agriculture and Forestry development plan, and the delegation visits Japan to collect relevant information to formulate the plan.
51st TARF Public Lecture Successfully Held on September 12
The 51st TARF Public Lecture entitled "Exploring the Diversity of Tropical Fruit Trees Around the World" was successfully held at the Ishigaki City Health and Welfare Center on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. The event was attended by 52 people.
Animation Video “Protein intake of Rural People in Lao PDR and Sustainable Measures to Address Protein Deficiency” in JIRCAS Channel
JIRCAS has released an animation video featuring the results of the “Multiple use of regional resources in semi-mountainous villages” project in Laos. The video is expected to be used for educating Lao farmers and for policy making by the Lao government and international development agencies.
Certificate of Appreciation from the Lao PDR Forest Science Research Center
A certificate of appreciation and a commemorative gift from the Lao PDR Forest Science Research Center (FSRC) Director, Dr. Vongvilay Vongkhamsao were presented to Dr. Kenichiro Kimura, Senior Researcher of the Rural Development Division, at the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) meeting room on March 4, 2016.
Laos PDR Minister Visits JIRCAS
The Minister and Head of the Prime Minister's Office of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Dr. Phet Phomphiphak visited JIRCAS on July 11, 2018.