On August 1, 2024 (Thu), 17 second-year science students and one teacher from Fukuoka Prefectural Yahata High School visited JIRCAS as part of their "Tsukuba Research and Education City Study Tour."
First, the students learned about global food issues and environmental problems, and discussed how the agricultural research activities conducted by JIRCAS in collaboration with partner institutions around the world can contribute to solving these issues in developing regions. They also explored how these activities relate with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Next, Dr. OTAKA Junnosuke (Senior Researcher, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) introduced the research on maize aimed at reducing nitrogen fertilizer usage to lessen environmental impact, including activities in Mexico. The students listened with great interest as they learned about the phenomenon where maize produces natural substances that affect soil microbial activity, which are then released from the roots to enhance the maize’s own nitrogen absorption and prevent nitrogen runoff and denitrification from the soil.
Additionally, the students participated in the "JIRCAS Children's Visit Day & Tsukuba Chibikko Hakase (Little Scientists) 2024" held on the same day, enjoying various exhibits and experiences. Some students were seen engaging in lively discussions and posing sharp questions to the researchers.
To contribute to nurturing the next generation of science and technology innovators with a global perspective, JIRCAS will continue to actively share information about its research and technology development activities conducted in collaboration with partners around the world, making the most of various opportunities.
“Reducing Fertilizer Waste and Making Earth Healthier!" by Senior Researcher Otaka is available on the JIRCAS YouTube channel.
JIRCAS Public Relations (9) (広報JIRCAS)
Japan International Research Center for Agricurtural Sciences, JIRCAS Public Relations. 9 (2022-02-18
Additionally, you can read his feature article, titled "Substances from Maize that Make the Earth Healthier" in JIRCAS Public Relations Vol. 9 ( p. 8-11, in Japanese).