International workshop on “Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa”

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On 19 January 2018, JIRCAS in cooperation with the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held an international workshop on “Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa” at the ICRAF International Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya.


On 19 January 2018, JIRCAS in cooperation with the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held an international workshop on “Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa” at the ICRAF International Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya. There were 33 speakers at the all-day event, which had more than 100 participants including policy makers and development practitioners, such as private sector actors, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and researchers from across Africa and beyond. The workshop attendees shared their best practices and research findings to realize more sustainable and innovative bioenergy deployments, and had very vibrant discussions on how to diffuse these efforts on the ground. 

The workshop was supported by generous funding from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan for IRENA, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for ICRAF, and from JIRCAS. Logistics support was delivered perfectly by the ICRAF team. The valuable contributions of German Development Agency (GIZ) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) were also noted.  

The outcomes of the workshop will be organized into a sourcebook that will be published by IRENA.


Session 1. Sustainable Rural Biomass Supply

Session 2.1. Biomass to Energy Innovations  Part 1

Session 2.2. Biomass to Energy Innovations  Part 2

Session 3. Tools for Enhanced Bioenergy Sustainability

Panel Discussion/Plenary Discussion – to create enabling conditions for scaling-up innovation

  • Panel 1. IRENA (Mr. Sakari Oksanen, Deputy Director General, Coordinator for Africa) [Moderator role]
  • Panel 2. Research perspective (Dr. Rocio Diaz-Chavez, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI))
  • Panel 3. Government & community perspective (Ms. Jane Ndeti, Kenya Forest Service, Farmers Field School)
  • Panel 4. NGO perspective (Mrs. Veronica AgodoaKitti, ASA Initiative, Ghana) Panel 5. Business perspective (Mr. Teddy Kinyanjui, Cookswell Jikos, Kenya)


MC (Dr. Yasuko Inoue, IRENA - JIRCAS)

Opening Remarks

(From left to rigfht) Dr. Ravi Prabhu, Deputy Director General of ICRAF, Ms. Yui Takashima, Embassy of Japan, Mr. Daniel Marangu, Director on Bioenergy, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum of Kenya, Mr. Sakari Oksanen, Deputy Director General of IRENA

Session 1, Moderator ( Dr. Miyuki Iiyama, ICRAF - JIRCAS)

Session 1

Session 1 (From left to right) Dr. James Kinyua, ICRAF, Mr. Ndyabandiho Saul, Center for Energy Governance, Mr. Shinji Ogawa, IC-Net for JICA, Dr. Linda Davis, wPower, Mrs. Veronica AgodoaKitti, ASA Initiative, Mr. Kariuki Jason G., KEFRI

Session 2.1

Session 2.1 (From left to right) Mr. Kaya Suleman Kazema, Tromso & Demacoe, Dr. James Ogbonna, Nigeria University, Ms. Oana Baloi, UN-Habitat, Mr. Deepak Kumar Mohapatra, TH Köln, Ms. Junko Arisaka, Verde Africa, Mr. Mbeo Ogeya, SEI

Session 2.2

Session 2.2 (From left to right) Ms. Katharina Meder, GIZ, Ms. Dorine Poelhekke, SimGas, Ms. Etsub Assefa, Horn of Africa, Ms. Maggie Flanagan, Village Industrial Power, Mr. Dereje Worku, African Bamboo, Dr. Dennis Garrity, ICRAF

Session 3

Session 3 (From left to right) Dr. Takashi Hayashi, PRIMAFF, Mr. Charles Kanyunga, Harare Institute of Technology, Mr. Lovans Owus-Takyi. ISEES, Mr. Atsushi Matsunaga, NBF, Mr. Joaquim Macuacua, Ministry of Environment

Panel Discussion

Panel (From left to right) Mr. Sakari Oksanen, IRENA, Mrs. Veronica AgodoaKitti, ASA Initiative, Ms. Jane Ndeti, Kenya Forest Service, Mr. Teddy Kinyanjui, Cookswell Jikos, Dr. Rocio Diaz-Chavez, SEI


Demonstration (Mr. Simon Kamonde, Muguga Ecosystem Research CFA)

Group Photo

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