Technical Catalog Featured in TAP Newsletter

The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) is a G20 initiative dedicated to strengthening knowledge sharing to support capacity building in agricultural innovation in the tropical regions. The most recent issue of the "TAP Newsletter” features a catalog of technologies that contribute to both increased productivity and sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon region.
What is the “Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region”?
Many of the technologies developed to transform Japan's food system are applicable to the Asia-Monsoon region, which shares characteristics such as high temperature and humidity, rice-based agriculture, and a high percentage of small- and medium-scale farmers.
As part of the activities of the Green Asia Project, we have recently compiled a "Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region" in cooperation with relevant organizations. This catalog consolidates scalable agricultural technologies that have been developed based on the results of domestic and international collaborative research conducted by Japan in recent years (the past 10 years or so) and that are expected to be used in the Asia-Monsoon region and contribute to the establishment of a sustainable food system. 
The technologies listed in this catalog will serve as a reference for various stakeholders in the Asia-Monsoon region, including government officials, researchers, extension workers, farmers and the private sector. By leveraging these technologies effectively and ensuring streamlined optimization and coordination, they will significantly contribute to the transformation of food systems in the countries of the Asia-Monsoon region.

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