On July 31, 2024 (Wed), 40 second-year students from the Science and Mathematics Department of Yamagata Prefectural Yamagata Minami High School, along with two teachers, visited JIRCAS as part of their "Tsukuba Science Tour."
The visit began with a discussion on the need for research in the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sectors to solve food and environmental problems in developing regions.
The students discussed how the research activities conducted by JIRCAS in collaboration with partner institutions around the world can contribute to solving these issues and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, the importance of cultivating future global talents and scientific and technological innovators, was highlighted and how this aligns with Yamagata Minami High School’s mission to nurture "glocal" human resources and societal leaders who can excel both domestically and internationally was explained.
Next, Dr. UKE Ayaka (Researcher, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) introduced research on converting agricultural waste into "environmentally friendly energy and high-value products." She also talked about activities with partners in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Thailand. The students listened with great interest to the entire process of developing new technologies based on basic research and implementing them in society
Through this experience, it is hoped that the students gained a broader global perspective, expanding the pool of future scientific and technological innovators with a global mindset.
You can watch "Thinking about Future Eco-Life Through Palm Oil", presented by Dr. Uke, on the JIRCAS YouTube channel.
JIRCAS Public Relations (11) (広報JIRCAS)
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, JIRCAS Public Relations. 11 (2023-02-17)
Additionally, you can read her research article, titled "Utilizing the Whole Palm! Towards a Sustainable Palm Oil and Biomass Industry," in JIRCAS Public Relations Vol. 11 ( p. 8-11, in Japanese).