The PR video for the JIRCAS 5th Medium to Long-term Plan (FY2021-2025) are now available. The video is posted on the top page of the JIRCAS official website and on the JIRCAS YouTube channel, and viewers can watch them anytime.
The video consists of the following four parts. We hope that by viewing these videos, people in Japan and overseas who are interested in environmental and food issues and the SDGs will gain a better understanding and interest in the role of JIRCAS, its research achievements and activities, as well as the significance and prospects of international joint research projects. The four parts of the video are available in both English and Japanese.
Promotion video
Environment Program
Food Program
Information Program
Due to the prolonged outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been difficult to obtain on-site videos from overseas, but with the easing of border control measures from the end of FY2021, travel to the sites of joint research institutes has resumed. The video makes extensive use of the latest footage shot overseas by research staff.
The thumbnail message of the promotional video, “Move forward, hand in hand” expresses that through cooperation and collaboration with the diverse partners of JIRCAS, we will "join hands" in our efforts to solve global food and environmental problems. In addition, the thumbnails for the “Environment”, "Food" and "Information" programs feature images with the theme colors of each program.