A group of 31 first year students and 1 teacher from Toride Second Junior High School visited JIRCAS on November 25, 2022 through the "Tsukuba Science Tour” program.
As part of the school subject on integrated studies, the students have been learning about the "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
After the lecture introducing the research activities of JIRCAS, Senior Researcher OKA Naoko (Rural Development Division) gave a presentation titled “The world’s waters are connected”, introducing agricultural water management technology and its relation to the SDGs, including case studies from Sri Lanka and Ghana. In addition, Researcher MATSUI Kayo (Rural Development Division) introduced the characteristics of soil in arid lands, focusing on the difficulties of agricultural production in arid lands and the need for research, using her overseas research experience.
This lecture focused on the relationship between science and technology and the SDGs. We hope that this visit will be one of the triggers for interest in the SDGs in the areas of environment and food issues.