International Workshop on “Applicable Solutions Against Rice Blast in Asia“ Organized by Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) and Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC)
1. Rationale
Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cavara) is one of the most serious diseases in all cultivating areas of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from temperate to tropical countries. It can be estimated to cause damage equivalent to 2 billion US$ (1% of rice production) annually. JIRCAS has led “Rice Blast Research Network” for years and accumulated important knowledge to tackle with this complex issue to assure stable production and environmentally friendly agriculture at the same time. Recently, a wide range of molecular studies identified some pathogenic mechanisms, however, technologies which are not yet widely applicable are not sufficiently studied. This workshop will encourage practical technology development based on the scientific results accumulated so far, through discussions among scientists as well as practitioners. This workshop is directly connected to theme 4: ‘Environmentally friendly technologies’ of the FFTC’s Strategic Action Plan. It also fits well for the mandates of organizers, considering global/trans-boundary nature of this issue.
The one-day online workshop will invite experts from the Asian and Pacific Region to share experiences on 1) the recent advancement in the area of rice blast research; 2) the successful practices for controlling rice blast and will discuss 3) breeding solutions towards the effective control of rice blast; 4) agronomic solutions towards the effective control of rice blast; 5) integrated solutions towards the effective control of rice blast; and 6) future directions for the effective international collaboration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and international travel restrictions, the workshop will be video-based and livestreamed.
2. Objectives
- To exchange knowledge on the recent advancement in rice blast research and experiences of its field application with a strong emphasis on the effective control of the disease.
- To strengthen international cooperation towards the development of effective and applicable technologies to deal with rice blast.
- To suggest future directions in rice blast research and the roles of public and private entities towards the effective control of the disease.
3. Proceeding
- Proceeding was provided by FFTC Web site (, user registration needed (free)). (Apr. 2021)
- Fukuta, Y., Hasebe, A., Kato, M., and Yang, R-Y. (Eds.). (2021). Applicable solutions against rice blast in Asia. Taipei, Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific (FFTC).
- Organized by
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Food and Fertilizer Technology Center
- Date
- Place
Onsite conference: International meeting room, JIRCAS, Tsukuba, Japan (max. 40 people) Online conference: via Webex Events
- Registration period
- Registration
Registration deadline:
- Time Day Month, Year
From 10:00 to 17:30 (Japanese time) on September 18, 2020
- Entry fee
- Language
Official language is English.
- Contact
Masayasu Kato, JIRCAS or Chia-Chuan Chang, FFTC
E-mail: E-mail:
An invitation information to the workshop will be sent to your registered e-mail address after September 11, 2020.
- Tentative Program
September 18, 2020 (Fri):
Time (Japan) Program Memo 10:00-10:25 Opening Ceremony
- Welcome Remarks
President and Director General of Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
- Opening Remarks
Dr. Su-San CHANG
Director of Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) for the Asian and Pacific Region
- Greetings from the Ministry
Mr. Hiroshi HONJO
Director, International Research, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
10:25-11:00 Keynote Speech
Dr. Yoshimichi FUKUTA, JIRCAS, Japan
Blast research network for stable rice production by JIRCASChair:
Kazuo NAKASHIMA, JIRCAS, Japan11:00-12:15 Session 1: International differential variety and characterization of resistance gene using them
Chair: Dr. Masayasu KATO, JIRCAS, Japan11:00-11:15 Dr. Nagao HAYASHI, NIAS/NARO, Japan
Evaluation and designation method for rice blast fungus race using LTH monogenic lines as differential variety set11:15-11:30 Dr. Hiroki SAITO, JIRCAS, Japan
Development and characterization of international differential varieties for blast disease11:30-11:45 Mr. Tomofumi YOSHIDA and Ms. Ryo TANIMOTO, Mountainous Region Agricultural Institute, Aichi Agricultural research institute, Japan
Genetic improvement for resistance of panicle blast using partial resistance genes11:45-12:15 Panel discussion 12:15-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Session 2: Pathological or genetic study for durable protection system (Country report)
Chair: Dr. Nagao HAYASHI, NIAS/NARO, Japan13:30-13:45 Ms. Siti Norsuha Binti MISMAN, MARDI, Malaysia
Virulence patterns of Pyricularia oryzae isolates from Malaysia on international differential varieties13:45-14:00 Dr. Young-Chan CHO, RDA, Republic of Korea
R gene search for enhancing stabile resistance to rice blast using monogenic lines in Korea14:00-14:15 Dr. Chatchawan JANTASURIYARAT, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Genetic diversity of rice blast isolates in Thailand based on avirulent gene nucleotide sequences14:15-14:30 Mr. Yi-Nian CHEN, TARI, Taiwan
Topics : Pathogen diversity and inoculum source of rice blast disease in Taiwan14:30-14:45
Prof. Chengyun LI, Yunnan Agricultural University, China (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Evaluation the function and structure variation of AVR Genes by genome comparison of Magnaporthe oryzae in China
14:45-15:15 Panel discussion 15:15-15:25 Short break 15:25-17:25 Session 3: Blast studies using differential system
Chair: Dr. Yoshimichi FUKUTA, JIRCAS, Japan15:25-15:40 Dr. Chhourn ORN, CARDI, Cambodia (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Cambodia15:40-15:55 Drs. Phetmanyseng XANGSAYASANE, Chanthakhone BOUALAPHANH, RRC/NAFRI, Lao PDR (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of rice in Lao PDR15:55-16:10 Drs. Aris HAIRMASIS and SANTOSO, ICRR, Indonesia (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Indonesia16:10-16:25 Drs, Jennifer NIONES and Jonathan NIONES, PhilRice, The Philippines (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in the Philippines16:25-16:40 Dr. Nguyet NGUYEN, AGI, Vietnam (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner) Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Vietnam 16:40-16:55 Drs, Md. A.I. KHAN and Md. LATIF, BRRI, Bangladesh (JIRCAS Rice Blast Research Network partner)
Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Bangladesh16:55-17:25 Panel discussion 17:25- Closing remarks
- Closing Remarks from FFTC
Dr. Akira HASEBE, Deputy Director, FFTC - Closing Remarks from JIRCAS
Dr. Osamu KOYAMA, Vice President, JIRCAS
- The official language is English.
- Video-based workshop tool: Webex Events.
- The workshop requires online registration.
- File
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