JIRCAS Report - Argentina
Senior Researcher Kashiwa Receives “Young Scientist Award" at World Soybean Research Conference
Dr. KASHIWA Takeshi, Senior Researcher, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division, received the "Young Scientist Award" at the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC11) held in Vienna, Austria onJune 18-23, 2023, for his presentation on "Genome analysis of the pathogen causing Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain of soybean”.
Senior Researcher Yamanaka of the Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division is Among the World’s Top 10 Soybean Rust Researchers
Dr. YAMANAKA Naoki, Senior Researcher in the Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division, was recognized one of the 10 major authors in soybean rust research as reported in a review article on scientometic approach to soybean rust published in the latest issue of Euphytica, an international journal on plant breeding.
JIRCAS at the 7th G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists in Argentina
JIRCAS President, Dr. Masa Iwanaga, attended the 7th G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (G20-MACS) held in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina on May 28-30, 2018. The G20 MACS is an initiative which brings together chief agricultural scientists from G20 countries and selected international organizations to deliberate on global research priorities and to facilitate collaboration between institutions with the aim of strengthening research on sustainable agriculture worldwide.