JIRCAS ranks 6th in “Plant Science and Zoology” category of Thomson Reuters highly cited papers

The Thomson Reuters (Headquarters: New York, USA; Japan Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo) released  the updated ranking of research institutions in Japan based on the number of highly cited papers on April 16, 2015.

The Thomson Reuters (Headquarters: New York USA; Japan Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo) released the updated ranking of research institutions in Japan based on the number of highly cited papers on April 16, 2015. The ranking is based on the Essential Science Indicator (ESI) database. JIRCAS was ranked 6th in Japan in the “Plant Science and Zoology” category with a rating of 11.5%.

The ranking is based on the number of publications in scientific journals cited by the scientific community (=highly cited papers) that have a great influence on subsequent research, and the fields in which Japan has a major impact in the world. This indicates that JIRCAS is one of the most advanced research organizations in the plant and animal sciences that has the most global impact. 

Details at http://ip-science.thomsonreuters.jp/press/release/2015/esi2015/ 

Rank Organization No. of highly cited papers % Highly cited papers
1  RIKEN 151 11.4%
2  Tokyo University 129 2.9%
3  National Institute of Agrobiological  Sciences 58 3.8%
4  Nagoya University 48 3.7%
5  Kyoto University 43 1.2%
6  Okayama University 38 3.8%
6  JIRCAS 38 11.5%
8  Nara Institute of Science and Technology 33 8.2%
9  Chiba University 27 3.7%
10  National Institute of Natural Sciences 23 4.8%
10  NARO 23 1.0







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