Research Highlights - Indonesia
国際農林水産業研究センターにおける研究成果のうち、成果が特に顕著で、広く利用を図ることが望ましいと考えられる成果を要約してご紹介しています。 各年度の国際農林水産業研究成果情報。
- Waterlogging due to rainfall alters gene expression patterns in the upper stem of oil palm(2023)
- Development of models to predict stem diameter and tree height of Shorea platyclados (Dipterocarpaceae) based on genomic information from seedlings(2023)
- Enteric methane emission models for beef cattle in Southeast Asia(2022)
- Game theory predicts changes in community values regarding resource allocation held by Subaks in Bali(2022)
- Improvement of rice grain yield by predicting the optimum sowing period for rainfed rice areas in the Asian monsoon region(2018)
- Improvement of selective logging criteria for dipterocarp timber species to maintain healthy seed production(2016)
- Dissemination of a food commodity supply and demand model for ASEAN countries through an instruction manual(2016)
- Horse manure can replace half the amount of conventional chemical fertilizer application without any yield loss in West Java Highland(2015)
- Identification of factors that promote CSR activities by Indonesian palm oil companies(2015)
- Impacts of the oil palm development program in Indonesia on small scale farmers(2014)
- Gene discovery of SPIKE -A unique gene from a rice landrace increases grain yield of Indica-type cultivars-(2013)
- Production of binderless particleboard and compressed lumber using oil palm trunk as a feedstock(2013)
- Selective logging criteria to ensure healthy seed production for dipterocarp species that depend their pollination on strong flyer insects(2013)
- Two cryptic species in the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima(2012)
- Feature abstraction of field boundaries and crop conditions by object-based classification using satellite imagery(2010)
- Development of a new method to produce cloud-free land use data for tropical humid climate regions using multi-temporal satellite data(2009)
- The relationship between the cassava farmers-processors partnership and farmers’ productivity: A case study in Lampung Province, Indonesia.(2007)
- Analyzing priorities for agricultural R&D in Asian developing countries(2006)
- Evaluation of the ability of vegetable crops to reduce clubroot damage using preceding crops in the West Java Highlands(2004)
- Transition in cropping systems from lowland rice-based to temperate vegetable-based systems between 800 and 1,800 m elevation in West Java, Indonesia(2003)