Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f.) Bedd. (Blechnaceae)
- Scientific name
- Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.f.) Bedd.
- Family name
- Blechnaceae
- Local name
- Prong suan, phak kuut daeng, lam theng
Epiphytic fern, rhizome long-creeping, often climbing high into tree. Stipe up to 15 cm long. Frond 40–70 cm long, bearing up to 15 pairs of pinnae. Sterile pinnae ovate-lanceolate, irregularly serrate, shiny on upper surface, with network of narrow parallel veins on lower surface, c. 15 × 3 cm, but variable in size, stalk short. Fertile pinnae c. 2 cm long × 3 mm wide, with sporangia on whole lower surface.
Common in shaded wet and dry places at low elevations in north-eastern, south-eastern, and southern Thailand. No cultivation of this plant has been recorded to date; however, it can be propagated by rhizome division to produce individual young saplings.
Young shoots and fronds are cooked and served with nam phrik (dipping sauces) or added to kaeng som (sweet and sour curries) or kaeng liang (mixed vegetable soups).
Young shoots and fronds are cooked and served with nam phrik (dipping sauces) or added to kaeng som (sweet and sour curries) or kaeng liang (mixed vegetable soups).