マダガスカル出張(課題3 アウン ゾー ウー)

マダガスカル出張(課題3 アウン ゾー ウー)

課題3「施肥と育種素材を統合した養分利用に優れた局所管理技術の開発」に参画するアウン ゾー ウー主任研究員が、リン浸漬処理技術と品種特性との相互作用解明のための圃場試験の生育収量調査のため、4月中旬から5月下旬までマダガスカルに出張しました。

Aiming to improve further the localized P-dipping effect on rice growth and grain yield, we evaluated the interaction effect of P-dipping and rice genotypes with different root system architecture in farmers’ fields in two rice-growing regions of Madagascar. Field observations and visual assessments were conducted at both study sites with local counterparts, and field harvesting, and sampling were performed sequentially from early maturing plots using P-dipping. To further elucidate the underlying mechanism of the interaction effect between the P application and the rice genotypes, the collected soil solution and root samples from different soil layers were analyzed at LRI, Antananarivo University, during the mission.

G x P trial sampling

soil solution analysis

root scanning and root analysis

Field harvest and sampling for grain yield evaluation

post-rice vegetable cultivation in P-dipping areas for the development of rice-based diversified cropping systems while the plots have not yet reached full harvest maturity in farmers` practice

Vegetable seedlings are raised sequantially for field cultivation

field observation of vegetable growing conditoins

Improved vegetable growth at P-dipping sites due to earlier rice harvest, allowing earlier vegetable cultivation and harvest than farmer practice.
