マダガスカル出張(課題3 アウン ゾー ウー)

マダガスカル出張(課題3 アウン ゾー ウー)

課題3「施肥と育種素材を統合した養分利用に優れた局所管理技術の開発」に参画するアウン ゾー ウー主任研究員が、リン浸漬処理技術の普及に向けた技術的改良に関する現地試験の実施のため、11月中旬から12月中旬にかけてマダガスカルに出張しました。

On-farm field trials were conducted to demonstrate that the effect of P-dipping on rice growth and grain yield can be further enhanced by combining it with rice genotype with a shallow root system architecture. We successfully set up two field experiments using the P-dipping technique with three rice genotypes with different root architecture. To clarify the underlying mechanism of interaction between rice genotypes with different root systems and the localized P application, 1) we collected soil samples before transplanting and will analyze for the vertical distribution of soil properties in paddy rice soils (top 0_30 cm soil layers), and 2) we installed soil solution samplers to analyze the soluble P distribution at different soil depths and 3) we set up bucket colander to analyze the spatial distribution of the rice roots in the different soil departments. 

Plot setting and soil preparation


Installation of  soil solution samplers at different soil depth to collect soil water solution for the analysis of P and N distributions at different soil depths.
