マダガスカル出張(課題2 マティアス主任研究員)
マダガスカル出張(課題2 マティアス主任研究員)
In Madagascar I visited trials of advanced breeding lines at four field sites (Behenji, Anjiro, Antohobe and Ankazo). We made selections and harvested breeding lines for next season trials, which were sown at the coastal off-season site in early May. In November 2021, 2 lowland varieties (FyVary32 & 85) had been released by the SATREPS project and we conducted activities related to seed certification and production. In meetings with JICAS representatives of the PAPRIZ project we discussed further seed production and dissemination steps. A similar discussion was held with AfricaRice and FOFIFA and it was agreed to test and subsequently disseminate our varieties far beyond the FyFary project regions. In addition, I conducted many training sessions with counterpart scientists to analyze obtained results and summarize them in form of research papers.