Address climate change with quinoa, a highly nutritious crop that withstands harsh environments
1. Developing and disseminating sustainable quinoa production technology to cope with climate change
Quinoa is highly nutritious, and it is the only crop that can be cultivated in the highlands of Bolivia that lie at an elevation of approximately 4,000 meters, an extremely unfavorable environment with saline soil, droughts, and frost. However, quinoa production is currently at risk due to issues such as soil erosion caused by frequent extreme weather and the expansion of farmlands. This project develops and introduces sustainable quinoa production technology through the establishment of genetic resources for quinoa, development of new breeding lines with enhanced resilience, management of fallow land, and coordinated crop-livestock production.
2. Contributing to global food security with a superfood native to the Andes
This project will contribute to stable food production and improved national income in Bolivia through the development and spread of sustainable quinoa production technology. Global food security is expected to be enhanced through the application of technology developed in this extremely adverse environment to other arid regions throughout the world at risk of desertification, as well as to a wide variety of farming environments.
3. Strengthening our international joint research structure
Through this research project, we will promote exchange between Bolivian and Japanese researchers and train future researchers with the aim of building an international joint research structure for high-quality agricultural research and development.