JIRCAS Report - Nigeria
TAKADA Research Fellow Receives the JSTA Promotional Award for Achievement in Tropical Agriculture
Dr. TAKADA Kanako, a research fellow in the Crop, Livestock and Environment Division, received the 2022 Promotional Award for Achievement in Tropical Agriculture from the Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture (JSTA) for her research on biological nitrogen fixation and symbiosis of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in tropical yams.
Crop Science Features the Guinea Yam Genetic Resources Collection Developed by JIRCAS
The Guinea yam genetic resources collection developed by JIRCAS in collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and the Iwate Biotechnology Research Center, and to be used in improving the efficiency of breeding and cultivation of Guinea yam, was featured as a science news on the website of the Crop Science Society of America.
JIRCAS Researcher Receives the 24th Japanese Society of Crop Science Young Scientist Award
Dr. ISEKI Kotaro, Researcher of the Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division received the 24th Japanese Society of Crop Science Research Award for his research on agronomic evaluation of plant genetic resources for improvement of productivity in Asian and African regions with poor environment.
Presentation of JIRCAS international collaborative project outputs at the “Research for Development (R4D) Week” of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
JIRCAS has been working with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on the collaborative project, titled “Evaluation and Utilization of Diverse Genetic Materials in Tropical Field Crops (EDITS),” focusing on yam and cowpea, which are important regional crops in Africa. This project is aimed at advancing crop breeding activities.