
Elucidating the Leaf Vein Structure and Function of Tropical Rainforest Trees
― Understanding Leaf Vein Structure Contributes to the Selection of Trees with High Adaptability to the Environment―

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Adaptive forestry



Elucidating the Leaf Vein Structure and Function of Tropical Rainforest Trees
Understanding Leaf Vein Structure Contributes to the Selection of Trees with High Adaptability to the Environment

Main Points

  • The leaf structure of more than 100 tree species in a tropical rainforest in Malaysia was investigated, and the relationship between leaf toughness and photosynthetic capacity was analyzed.
  • Trees with well-defined veins have high photosynthesis and leaf defense, and are better adapted to light environments, while trees with unclear veins are better adapted to dark environments near the ground surface
  • Understanding of leaf vein structure contributes to the selection of tree species suitable for the environment and to the implementation of afforestation based on functional characteristics of tree species.


JIRCAS has been evaluating the adaptive capacity of tropical forest trees to the environment and developing afforestation technology to enhance forestry productivity and environmental adaptability through the combination of tree species suitable for the plantation environment. In collaboration with Kochi University and the Sarawak Forest Department of Malaysia, JIRCAS has now revealed that the leaf vein structure of trees in Malaysian tropical rainforest is closely related to leaf toughness and photosynthetic capacity

Plant eaters such as insects and herbivores, and light intensity increase from the ground toward the forest canopy. Therefore, trees need to have sturdier leaves as they grow taller, and higher photosynthetic capacity is more advantageous. Leaves are classified by species into two types: leaves with transparent fibrous tissue (bundle sheath extensions) around the vascular bundles that clearly show the veins when the leaf is exposed to light (heterobaric leaves), and leaves without this tissue, in which the veins are difficult to see (homobaric leaves). Heterobaric leaves have fibrous tissue, which makes them sturdier, but also allows more light to penetrate into the leaf and increase the photosynthetic capacity of the leaf as a whole. In other words, trees with heterobaric leaves have both high photosynthesis and leaf defense, which is advantageous in bright, high-coverage environments such as forest canopies. On the other hand, homobaric leaves, with their gapless arrangement of chloroplast-bearing cells instead of fibrous tissue, are able to utilize weak light more efficiently, which is advantageous in darker environments near the forest ground surface.

In order to enhance environmental adaptability in afforestation, it is important to select tree species that are suitable for the environment of the plantation site. Understanding of the leaf vein structure is expected to enable the selection of tree species suitable for the environment among diverse tropical rainforest tree species and the implementation of afforestation that considers the functional characteristics of the tree species.

The results of this research were published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change on November 9, 2022 (JST)


Tanaka Kenzo, Mohizah Mohamad, Tomoaki Ichie
Leaf toughness increases with tree height and is associated with internal leaf structure and photosynthetic traits in a tropical rain forest
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
DOI : https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2022.1002472

For Inquiries

JIRCAS President KOYAMA Osamu

Program Director
HAYASHI Keiichi (Environment Program)
Principal Investigator
TANAKA Kenzo (Forestry Division)
Press Coordinator
OMORI Keisuke (Head, Information and Public Relations Office)
写真1. マレーシアの熱帯雨林と林冠調査の梯子

Malaysian tropical rainforest and canopy survey ladder

図1. 異圧葉(左)と等圧葉(右)

Heterobaric (left) and homobaric (right) leaf

Microscopic view of a leaf vein and leaf cross section. The black arrows indicate the location of vascular bundles, and the white arrows in the heterobaric leaf are vascular bundle sheath extensions, tissue made of transparent fibrous cells.
図2. 樹高と葉の丈夫さ(左)と光合成速度(右)

Tree height and leaf toughness (left) and photosynthetic capacity (right)

Leaf toughness and photosynthetic capacity are higher with in taller trees due to heterobaric leaves that are exposed to intense light. 

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