Subsoiling treatment on the sloping upland field
Subsoiling treatment was conducted at the beginning of rainy season by cracking soil layer (50~60cm depth) in the direction of contour lines in the sloping upland field. It was effective to accumulate running rain water leading to a higher moisture content in the deep layer of soil in dry season. Soil hardiness was also reduced by subsoiliong treatment reflecting higher soil moisture. Growth of crops was accelerated owing to the availability of water, which was more distinctive in dry season cultivation. In addition, enhanced physiological activities in the leaves as indicated by leaf color index and transpiration were also noticed. Combination with no-tillage cultivation was recommended in order to withdraw maximum advantage from the treatment.
- Affiliation
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division
- Classification
- Term of research
FY2000 (FY1995-2000)
- Responsible researcher
KABAKI Nobuyuki ( Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division )
MIURA Kenzo ( National Agriculture Research Center )
- ほか
- Japanese PDF
2000_12_A3_ja.pdf981.74 KB