Research Highlights(1995)

Research Highlights
1. Development of a statistical information system relating to world agriculture, forestry and fisheries
2. Haploid production in wheat crossed with stored pearl millet pollen
3. Screening cowpea for drought tolerance
4. Distribution patterns and characteristics of the lowland soils in the Philippines
5. Physiological mechanisms for acid-soil tolerance of upland rice in the savanna of South America
6. Mitigation technologies of methane emission from tropical rice fields
7. Mechanism of desertification relating to micrometeorology caused by over-grazing
8. Ecological traits of weedy rice (padi angin )in direct seeded rice fields in Malaysia and control strategy
9. Reproductive strategy of the parasitoid fly, Exorista japonica (Diptera: Tachinidae)-clutch size regulation in response to host density -
10. Formulae and processing methodology of urea molasses blocks for ruminant animals in Malaysia
11. Utilization of oil palm frond silage in the tropics
12. Statistical procedure for the assessment of the association between multiple DNA markers and phenotypic records
13. LA-PCR method for mitochondrial DNA RFLP analysis in pigs and wild pigs
14. Evaluation of land degradation for resource management
15. Studies on low regeneration capacity after selective logging in tropical rain forests
16. Ecophysiological performance of dipterocarps in response to environmental stress -Special emphasis on water relations-
17. Soil erosion in pineapple fields and its control
18. Low-input hydroponics systems under field conditions
作成者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) Technical Report
権利 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
言語 eng
