Mechanism of desertification relating to micrometeorology caused by over-grazing

China Mongolia



Experiments involving different grazing intensities (change in sheep numbers grazing in the plots) were carried out in the semi-arid grassland in eastern part of Inner Mongolia, China. Changes in biomass and micrometeorology in each plot were examined. Biomass in the grassland decreased and the n umber of sheep footprints increased with the increase of the grazing intensity, leading to soil hardening. Penetration of rain water into the ground was prevented in plots with higher grazing in intensity resulting in increased evaporation just after rainfall and suppression of grass development.


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences


Technical A

Term of research


Responsible researcher

HARAZONO Yoshinobu ( National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences )

Publication, etc.

Seasonal Changes of Albedo and Micrometeorological Conditions of Vegetation in a Semi-Arid Area in Inner Mongolia, China

Japanese PDF

1995_07_A3_ja.pdf1.14 MB

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