Digestion characteristic and energy requirement of native ruminants in Northeast Thailand
Native ruminants, such as Thai native cattle and swamp buffalo, are able to efficiently digest low quality roughage without protein supplement. And these animals require less energy to maintain basal metabolism. Therefore, these animals can be effectively raised with low quality feed.
- Affiliation
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Animal Production and Grassland Division
- Classification
Technical A
- Term of research
- Responsible researcher
KAWASHIMA Tomoyuki ( Animal Production and Grassland Division )
SUMAMAL Witthaya ( Khon Kaen Animal Nutrition Research and Development Center )
PHOLSEN Pimpaporn ( Khon Kaen Animal Nutrition Research and Development Center )
NARMSILEE Rumphrai ( Khon Kaen Animal Nutrition Research and Development Center )
TERADA Fuminori ( National Institute of Animal Industry )
- ほか
- Japanese PDF
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