Cultivar identification of milled rice.




In our laboratory, we developed DNA extraction method based on a freeze-and-thaw cycle for extracting purified, high molecular weight DNA from grains. The developed technique does not require expensive equipment and materials, and is not a time-consuming procedure. By applying this method, we were able to obtain DNA for microsatellite analysis within 2h and the whole process of identification required 6h. Time saving and unemployment of expensive instruments or toxic chemicals of the present method is an attractive alternative to existing methods of identification. Obtained results showed that DNA extracted from tested samples was of high quality and hence could be used in PCR-based techniques for cultivar identification even in laboratories with a moderate level of technology. Another feature of this developed technique was saving in time and cost as well as the safety of this procedure.


Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division

Department of Agriculture Thailand


Technical A

Term of research


Responsible researcher

YOSHIHASHI Tadashi ( Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division )

Japanese PDF

1999_07_A3_ja.pdf711.14 KB

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