Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2011
Purpose of the Award
The purpose of this award is to increase motivation among young researchers contributing to research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries in developing countries, which is promoted by Japan for the benefit of those countries. Young researchers who show outstanding performance and research achievements that lead to future innovation will be commended with the Award.
Due date for submission of application
Friday, August 12, 2011
Application Forms
- Application Guidelines for the 2011 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
- 20200909.pdf19.31 KB
- Instructions in the Preparation of Application Forms
- 20200909.pdf9.97 KB
- Form 1: Application form2011-pdf
- 20200908.pdf70.8 KB
- Form 1: Application form2011-word
- 20200909.doc70.5 KB
- Form 2: Self-Advertisement Sheet2011-pdf
- 20200908.pdf11.43 KB
- Form 2: Self-Advertisement Sheet2011-word
- 20200908.doc40 KB
- Form 3: List of Research Achievements2011-pdf
- 20200908.pdf14.72 KB
- Form 3: List of Research Achievements2011-word
- 20200908.doc41 KB
Submit applications to
Secretariat of the Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
International Relations Section, JIRCAS, 1-1, Ohwashi
Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, 305-8686 Japan