Research Highlights - Laos
国際農林水産業研究センターにおける研究成果のうち、成果が特に顕著で、広く利用を図ることが望ましいと考えられる成果を要約してご紹介しています。 各年度の国際農林水産業研究成果情報。
- Teak growth doubles in the Lao Mountains depending on the control of stand density and topographic conditions(2021)
- Initial salinity adjustment effectively prevents histamine accumulation in padaek, a Laotian salt-fermented freshwater fish paste(2020)
- Rice and weeds in upland rice fields can be discriminated with good accuracy from a commercial-grade small drone(2020)
- Efficacy of black soldier fly larvae as a protein source in aquaculture feed for the climbing perch(2019)
- Biological information contributing to resource conservation of the important Laotian food fish Pa keo(2019)
- Estimation of rice grain yield by canopy hyperspectral sensing of paddy fields at the booting stage(2018)
- Climbing perch aquaculture is realizable in rice paddies under non-feeding conditions by rearing at low stocking densities(2018)
- Increasing rainy season lowland rice and dry season crop yields in the semi-mountainous villages of Laos using stored water intended for aquaculture(2018)
- Development of a rearing technique for the free-swimming zoea larvae of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium yui from Northern Laos(2017)
- Selective protein digestion during fermentation provides a distinctive texture to traditional fermented rice noodles in Indochina(2016)
- Resource management and conservation of Pa koh, an important edible fish in Laos, based on ecological information(2016)
- Dissemination of a food commodity supply and demand model for ASEAN countries through an instruction manual(2016)
- Late transplanting caused by water shortage leads to yield reduction in plot-to-plot fields in Central Laos(2015)
- Specific tree species preferred for use as firewood in Central Laos(2015)
- A Laotian tree database including useful varieties in secondary forests after slash-and-burn agriculture(2015)
- Economic benefits of various non-timber forestry products to Lao PDR’s farm economy(2014)
- Resource management of a small-sized cyprinid population in an isolated small stream based on its ecological characteristics(2014)
- Importance of salt concentration and long-term fermentation in the quality of salty-fermented freshwater fish paste in Thailand and Laos(2014)
- Evaluations of genetic diversities and population structures of Laotian two small-sized fishes using microsatellite DNA markers(2013)
- Local farmers employ bat guano to overcome soil acidity in a semi-mountainous area of Lao PDR(2013)