Evaluation of heat tolerance in snap bean based on pollen stainability.
Pollen stainability of snap bean decreases by being subjected to heat stress 8 to 11 days before flowering in a greenhouse. When mean air temperature about 10 days before flowering is over 28 ℃, pollen stainability of snap bean decreases in the field at Okinawa Subtropical Station. Heat tolerant varieties show higher pollen stainability than heat sensitive varieties under high temperatures. Based on pollen stainability, tolerance to high temperature about 10 days before flowering can be evaluated.
- Affiliation
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Okinawa Subtropical Station
- Classification
Technical A
- Term of research
FY1999 (FY1998-2000)
- Responsible researcher
SUZUKI Katsumi ( Okinawa Subtropical Station )
TAKEDA Hiroyuki ( Okinawa Subtropical Station )
EGAWA Yosinobu ( Biological Resources Division )
TSUKAGUCHI Tadashi ( Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution )
- ほか
- Japanese PDF
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