Effect of application of anthelminthic on the growth of pig with Ascaris suum
Six littermate pigs weighing approximately 40 kg from the Experimental Animal Farm of Can Tho University were used. They were positive for the A. suum eggs. Group 1 consisted of 3 pigs treated with 1 mL per 15 kg of Polystrongyle (injectable form Tetramizole hydrochloride France). Group 2 consisted of 3 untreated control pigs. Their body weight was checked biweekly for 12 weeks. In 3 pigs of treated group, adults of A. suum were eliminated within a few days after treatment. However, since A. suum eggs were found again 6 weeks later, treatment was resumed. The growth of treated pigs which reached a weight of 80 kg was shortened at least by 2 weeks compared with the untreated pigs. According to a piece of data in Vietnam, it is calculated that increased income was about 25,000 Don Vietnam (about US$ 2.0)per head in an experimental farm.
- Affiliation
National Institute of Animal Health
- Classification
Technical B
- Term of research
- Responsible researcher
YOSHIHARA Shinobu ( National Institute of Animal Health )
- ほか
- Publication, etc.
- Japanese PDF
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