Increase in agricultural damage associated with the invasion of leaf-cutting ants in southern Brazil and Paraguay
Surveys on the geographical distribution and density of leaf-cutting ants were performed in southern Brazil and Paraguay from 1992 to 1996. The results showed that they were most abundantly deistributed in the northern and southern regions of the area surveyed while much less or practically not in central Parana to Santa Catarina. Compared with the data obtained until 10 years ago, it appears that the ants have been expanding into and increasing their distribution in the surveyed areas, and that the ants can be distributed in all the regions. Studies should be carried out in order to control the expansion of the ants.
- Affiliation
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division
São Paulo State University
- Classification
Technical A
- Term of research
FY1996 (FY1992-1996)
- Responsible researcher
ICHINOSE Katsuya ( Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division )
FORTI Luiz Carlos ( São Paulo State University )
- ほか
- Japanese PDF
1996_07_A3_ja.pdf1.1 MB