JIRCAS International Symposium 2017 "Promoting an active role for female researchers in agriculture, food, and nutrition research"

JIRCAS International Symposium 2017, entitled "Promoting an Active Role for Female Researchers in Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition Research," will be held on November 2, 2017 in Tokyo.

JIRCAS plays a central role in making Japan contribute internationally to scientific research in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Through joint research in developing areas, JIRCAS has shown leadership in fostering human resources and promoting gender equality. JIRCAS will collaborate with other institutions to further support the contribution of women to scientific advancement.

In this symposium, we shall discuss matters related to promoting an active role for female researchers in agriculture, food, and nutrition research.

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JIRCAS International Symposium Promoting an active role for female researchers in agriculture, food, and nutrition research
Organized by

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences

Co-organized by

Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, UNU

In cooperation with

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Greater Tokyo Initiative

Japan Forum on International Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development


U Thant International Hall, UNU (5-53-70, Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)

Registration 9:30
Opening session 10:00-10:20

Opening remarks

Masa Iwanaga (President, JIRCAS)

Opening remarks

Representative of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

Opening remarks

Representative of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations University (UNU-IAS)

Keynote speeches 10:20-13:00

Chair: Kunihiro Doi, JIRCAS

Why the World Needs More Women Scientists for a Food-Secure Future

Ismahane Elouafi (Director General, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture/ICBA)

Biofortification and Agriculture’s Primary Role to Provide Nutritious Diets for National Health

Howarth Bouis (Founding Director of HarvestPlus. International Food Policy Research Institute/IFPRI)

(Group photo & Break 11:20-12:40)

The Importance of Women’s Nutrition for the Next Generation’s Health and Community Development

Noriko Sudo (Associate Professor, Ochanomizu University)

Session 1: Food and nutrition research by female researchers 13:05-14:05

Chair: Naoko Oka, JIRCAS

Indigenous Foods and their Nutritional Value: Evidences from South Asia

Mrittika Basu (Postdoctoral Fellow, JSPS-UNU)

JIRCAS’s Approaches to Nutrition through International Agricultural and Food Research

Sakiko Shiratori (Researcher, JIRCAS)

The Importance of Gender in Strengthening Food and Nutritional Resilience of Households in Madagascar

Felamboahangy Henintsoa Rasoarahona (Vice-President, Researchers Platform for the Fight against Malnutrition, Madagascar)

Linking Agriculture to Nutrition: The Role of Beans

Mercy Lung'aho (Research Scientist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture/CIAT)

Session 2: Panel Discussion 14:10-14:40

Chair: Fumika Sen, JIRCAS

Closing session 14:40-14:45

Closing remarks

Osamu Koyama (Vice-President, JIRCAS)

Registration period
Registration fee



The commendation ceremony of the Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2017 will be held at the same venue from 15:30 to 17:00 following the symposium.

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Poster5.35 MB 5.35 MB

Information and Public Relations Office, JIRCAS

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