Coordinating a Multidisciplinary Research on the Agriculture in the Mekong Delta
In 1994 JIRCAS and AFFRC started an International collaborative research project on "Evaluation and Improvement of Farming Systems Combining Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries in the Mekong Delta". Since the project target seemed to involve crop, animal, fishery and socio- economic sciences, researchers in these fields were dispatched for long and short terms to the counterpart institutes. The whole project was steered by the Working Group consists of Directors of concerning research divisions and the International Research Coordinator.
WG discussed openly to build a consensus on: objective of the project, implementation, dispatching and budget plans, periodical review and evaluation, and public relation activities. The project dispatched 6 long term researchers in the field of crop science, plant pathology, animal science and socioeconomic science and 47 short term researchers in 5 years. JIRCAS accepted 23 counterpart researchers including supervisors and workshop participants during the same period. We have published 50 scientific reports, 16 articles in JIRCAS publication. Some of them are published in a book titled "Development of farming systems in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam." Published in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Affiliation
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Research Information Division
- Classification
Technical A
- Term of research
- Responsible researcher
MATSUI Shigeo ( Research Information Division )
- ほか
- Japanese PDF
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