Serological diagnosis of citrus greening disease




Accarate serological diagnosis with microprecipitin test was developed for greening disease. Phloem tissues were separated after digestion of diseased midribs in enzyme solution. Partially purified greening organisms (GO) concentrated up to 40 times of the midrib weight were obtained from final pellets after one cycle of centrifugation of homogenate of phloem tissue. Microprecipitin test was conducted by adding one drop (5μl) of the partially purified GO to one drop of the GO antiserum.


Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division

Fruit Tree Research Station

Department of Agriculture Thailand



Term of research

FY1997 (FY1996-1997), FY1995

Responsible researcher

OHTSU Yoshihiro ( Fruit Tree Research Station )

KAWASHIMA Koji ( Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Division )

PROMMINTARA Maitree ( Department of Agriculture Thailand )

OKUDA Seiichi ( Utsunomiya University )

NAKASHIMA Kazuo ( Biological Resources Division )

KANO Takeshi ( Fruit Tree Research Station )

Japanese PDF

1997_02_A3_ja.pdf926.89 KB

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