TARC-JIRCAS 40th Anniversary International Symposium

A New Decade for International Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development
Date: November 8 (Afternoon) – 9, 2010
Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center, Epochal, Convention Hall 200
World Agriculture (incl. Forestry and Fisheries) rapidly changes in response to the global movements such as recent events of economic and food crises, strengthened measures for global warming, rapid growth of the emerging economies and so on. Regarding development strategies, the global development goals are doubted to be achieved and are supposed to be amended. The roles of agriculture for development, in contrast, have been re-evaluated.
Agricultural research is also facing the new era owing to the globalized society as well as the advancement in information technology, biological and environmental sciences. New research networks have emerged beyond the conventional research systems and existing institutions are struggling to find out new research frameworks and targets.
This symposium aims to grasp these new trends surrounding international agricultural research though exchanging opinions among experts from various organizations, and to obtain useful suggestions for the future activities of related research institutes as well as individual researchers.
Opening Remarks
- Kenji Iiyama (President of JIRCAS)
Welcome Statements
- Kiyoshi Fujimoto (Research Councilor, MAFF)
Keynote Speech
- Enhancement of Japanese R&D and International Cooperation in Science and Technology
Takashi Shiraishi (Executive Member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, the Cabinet Office)
Session 1: Trends in International Agricultural Research Networks
Chair: Masaru Iwanaga (Director General, National Institute of Crop Science, NARO)
- Outcome of GCARD and Role of ARI
Ram Badan Singh (GFAR Secretariat) - CGIAR Reform – a new strategy and results framework to address emerging challenges and implications for advanced research institutes and networks
Ganesan Balachander (Consortium Board Member, CGIAR) - Searching for A New Direction of Collaboration in JIRCAS
Osamu Koyama (Director, Research Strategy Office, JIRCAS)
Session 2: Challenges of Development-oriented Agricultural Research Institutes
Chair: Akio Takenaka (JIRCAS)
- A Vision for Global Agricultural, Food and Environmental Challenges
Christian Hoste (Deputy Director of European and International Relations, CIRAD) - The Academic Approach of Research on North Africa
Han Junkyu (Assistant Professor, ARENA, University of Tsukuba ) - Agricultural Research: Current Status and Challenges
Nick Austin (CEO, ACIAR) - General Disicussion
Session 3: Network Formulation by Japanese Agricultural Research Bodies
Chair: Masami Yasunaka (Vice President ofJIRCAS)
Co-Chair: Kazumi Yamaoka (Research Coordinator, JIRCAS)
- Alternative Approaches to Solve International Issues – a case for strengthiing network of national institutions
Ryotaro Suzuki (Director, International Research Division, MAFF) - Japan Intellectual Support Network in Agricultural Sciences – its objectives and function
Shuichi Asanuma (Professor, ICCAE, Nagoya University) - International Agricultural Research Networking for Japanese Research Institutions
Satoru Miyata (Senior Researcher, JIRCAS) - Challenges in Research Collaboration and Networking in Asia-Pacific Region
– the experiences of FRIM and APAFRI
Heok-Choh Sim (Senior Researcher of FRIM and Executive Secretary of APAFRI)
Panel Discussion : Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development – Towards a New Decade
Chair: Masami Yasunaka (Vice President of JIRCAS)
Co-Chair: Kazumi Yamaoka (Research Coordinator, JIRCAS)
Panelist: (alphabetical order)
- Shuichi Asanuma (Professor, ICCAE, Nagoya Univ.),
- Hiroshi Ehara (Professor, Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Mie
Univ.), - Moriyoshi Ishizuka (Principal Research Coordinator, FFPRI),
- Masaru Iwanaga (Director General, National Institute of Crop Science),
- Satoshi Miyata (Senior Researcher, JIRCAS),
- Heok-Choh Sim (Senior Researcher of FRIM and Executive Secretary of APAFRI)
- Ryotaro Suzuki (Director, International Research Division, MAFF),
- Kazuyuki Yagi (Research Coordinator, NIAES)
Closing Remarks
- Koji Tanaka (Vice President, J-FARD)
Date of issued | |
Creator | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Publisher | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
Available Online | |
NII resource type vocabulary | Conference Paper |
Volume | 2010 |
Language | eng |