なお、本マニュアルに加えて解説動画も作成しました。YouTubeのJIRCAS Channelで公開していますので合わせて参考にしてください(https://youtu.be/sQ26IFv2Sl0、もしくは「簡易茎頂接ぎ木法によるパッションフルーツのウイルスフリー化技術」で検索)。
A manual describing the materials and specific procedures required to implement the simple shoot-tip grafting method for virus-free passion fruit plants was released on April 4, 2022.
The “Passion fruit simple shoot-top grafting manual & measures to prevent viral disease infection” describes the materials and specific procedures necessary to implement the simple shoot-tip grafting method for virus-free passion fruit plants.
Virus disease is one of the most important diseases of passion fruit. The basic measure for virus disease control is to introduce virus-free seedlings. However, depending on the virus, it is difficult to recognize the external symptoms of the disease, and there have been cases in which virus-free plants have not been found. In such cases, infected plants must be made virus-free and used as mother trees for propagation.
To address the above problem, JIRCAS has developed a technology for virus-free propagation of passion fruit using a simple shoot-tip grafting method. Although shoot-tip grafting is a micropropagation method that involves grafting the shoot-tip of less than 1 mm, it is easy to implement because it does require aseptic treatment or any special equipments, and could therefore contribute to the control of virus diseases in passion fruit practically. However, in implementing the simple shoot-tip grafting method, it is necessary to take into consideration many details besides the descriptions in our research article. Therefore, we have prepared a practical manual describing the materials and specific procedures that can be easily carried out in the field.
In addition to this manual, we have also created an explanatory video, “Virus-free Passion Fruit Virus by Simplified Shoot-tip Grafting Method”, available on the JIRCAS YouTube Channel (https://youtu.be/xtswqstCL1Q).
Alternative title | Manual for Simple Shoot-tip Grafting of Virus-free Passion Fruit |
Date of issued | |
Creator | 国立研究開発法人国際農林水産業研究センター熱帯・島嶼研究拠点 |
Available Online | |
NII resource type vocabulary | Technical Report |