JARQ Submission and Editorial Policy

About JARQ

  The Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly (JARQ) is a publication of the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), an Incorporated Administrative Agency (IAA), which provides readers overseas with the latest information on key achievements and developments in agricultural research in Japan, with the expectation that this information would contribute to the agricultural development of countries in tropical and subtropical regions. The present circulation of JARQ reaches up to 110 countries all over the world.

  Until 2001, original and review papers were requested from authors based on nomination by an Editorial Board member. From 2002, JARQ now accepts papers contributed voluntarily and directly by authors, as well as papers contributed by authors nominated by Board members. Papers may be contributed in any of the following categories:

  1. Original articles which report the original findings of recent research activities of the author/s;
  2. Research reviews which summarize a series of research activities of the author/s and/or provide an update on the state-of-the-art research in the authors' discipline.

  All papers are peer-reviewed. In principle, the corresponding author of any type of papers should be *Japanese* or should be doing research under a Japanese program or institute. Two Board members in a related discipline will take responsibility for each of the articles. Final decision on acceptance of a paper is made by the Chair of the Editorial Board.*

  Vol. 35 (2001) and succeeding issues have been entered into the Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE) database.

  It is aimed at promoting active dissemination and circulation of information via linkage with domestic and international sites.

  Please refer to the following instructions for submitting articles to JARQ (Japanese only).

JARQ Editorial Policy
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JARQ Author Guideline
20220310.pdf535.62 KB
JARQ Cover Letter
JARQ_coverletter.docx23.83 KB
JARQ Template
20200401.docx218.26 KB

Evaluation of JARQ

Impact factors (JIF, Web of Science) of recent years are:


Journal Impact Factor

2023 0.3
2022 0.4
2021 0.451
2020 0.558
2019 0.440
1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686 JAPAN

JARQ editorial office, JIRCAS