To obtain basic information regarding effects of NaCl concentration of brines and curing temperature on the quality of loin roll ham, a series of experiments to produce loin roll ham, using brines of different salt concentrations at different temperatures were carried out and the quality of the product was examined by physicochemical measurements, bacteriological tests, and organoleptic test.
1) Penetration of NaCl into meat was faster with brines of higher salt concentration than those of lower salt concentration, and at higher curing temperature than lower curing temperature, resulting in better color development.
2) After the 8th day of curing at 12°C, bacteria and yeast multiplied extremely in the burines, causing the lowering of pH, and formation of white turbidity with yeast odor in the brines after 16 days.
3) Salt content of the loin roll ham which was accepted by each panel of sensory assessment as the most appropriate salty taste ranged from 2.0 to 2.5%.
4) Flavor of the hamf was more strongly influenced by the number of curing days than by salt concentration of brines: longer curing period gave higher ranks of sensory assessment than shorter curing period. Low curing temperature gave better flavor than high curing temperature.
5) Based on the results of physico-chemical measurement, bacteriological tests, and organoleptic test, it was made possible to produce loin roll ham with excellent flavor by 15 days of curing at 0-4°C using the brine of 6% salt concentration, under the curing condition of the present study.