Fermentation period-dependent changes of lactic and amino acid concentrations in pa daek, a salt-fermented freshwater fish paste in Laos

JIRCAS Working Report
ISSN 1341710X
NII recode ID (NCID) AA11159468
Pa daek is a salt-fermented freshwater fish paste that can be made and consumed at home and is popularly used as an all-purpose seasoning in Laotian cooking. Nowadays, the products made by small and medium-sized manufacturers are also becoming popular in local markets. The traditional pa daek fermentation technique furnishes a seasonally available indigenous freshwater fish with palatability as well as long shelf life. In our pa daek fermentation conducted using small clupeid freshwater fish (locally called pa keo in Laos), the increase in lactic acid was observed after 20 days of fermentation, reaching approximately 1% after 2 months, and maintaining the same level at after 6 months. The pH decreased from 6.3 to 5.4 as the lactic acid fermentation proceeded, showing the importance of the early phase of the pa daek fermentation to secure the preservability. The total amount of 20 free proteogenic amino acids increased in a time-dependent manner throughout the observation period. Significant increases in glutamic acid and lysine in the fermentation could well explain the advantages of the long-term fermentation for making pa daek products tasty and nutritious.
Date of issued
Creator Junichiro Marui Yethao Giavang Souphachay Phoupasouk Yanglao Yialee Sayvisene Boulom
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Type Technical Report
NII resource type vocabulary Technical Report
Volume 90
spage 95
epage 100
Language eng

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