Colombia (/kəˈlʌmbiə/ kə-LUM-biə or /kəˈlɒmbiə/ kə-LOM-biə; Spanish: [koˈlombja] ), officially the Republic of Colombia (Spanish: ), is a transcontinental country largely situated in the northwest of South America, with territories in Central America. Colombia shares a border to the northwest with Panama, to the east with Venezuela and Brazil, to the south with Ecuador and Peru.(Source: DBpedia)
2019 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
The awarding ceremony for the 2019 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers, also known as the “Japan Award” was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center in Tsukuba, Ibaraki on November 26, 2019. The recipients of the Japan Award 2019 included researchers from Colombia, Vietnam and India.
Ambassador of Colombia to Japan Visits JIRCAS
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Colombia to Japan, H.E. Mr. Santiago Pardo, and Dr. Deyanira Barrero, General Manager of the Agricultural and Livestock Institute of Colombia (ICA) visited JIRCAS on October 10, 2019.
熱帯高地の気象 (第12回熱帯農業専門分野別研究会--熱帯高地における作物栽培とその環境)
真木 太一, 熱帯農研集報. 70 , 1- 31 ( )
馬鈴薯の耐霜性 (第12回熱帯農業専門分野別研究会--熱帯高地における作物栽培とその環境)
入倉 幸雄, 熱帯農研集報. 70 , 61- 69 ( )
南米リャノス平原における草地改良--マクロペレット法による優良マメ科牧草の導入 (熱帯土壌の生成,肥沃度および施肥(昭和63年度熱帯農業試験研究推進会議研究推進部会))
小川 恭男, 熱帯農研集報. 69 , 51- 68 ( )
ラテンアメリカにおける自然条件と農業類型の関連 : コロンビア・ボリビア調査報告書
御子柴晴夫, 熱研資料. 77 ( )
組織培養による熱帯作物の遺伝資源の保存と大量増殖 (第6回熱帯農業専門分野別研究会--熱帯作物とバイオテクノロジ-)
小林 仁, 熱帯農研集報. 54 , 7- 12 ( )