・TERRA Africaキックオフミーティングの参加、カウンターパートと活動内容についての協議、試験圃場の土壌サンプリング、DNA抽出(TERRA Africa)

報告書番号 出張年月 国名 関連プログラム 公表年月日
R05-0163 2023年09月 - 2023年09月 ガーナ, セネガル


We attended the TERRA Africa project kick-off meeting, which introduced the outline of activities, and held a training session on JIRCAS technologies for Sasakawa Africa Association participants. We sampled soil in farmers’ maize fields of activity 2c-5 and extracted soil DNA. We also analyzed amino-N, nitrate, and ureides from soybean xylem sap to assess the N2 fixation of the plant in field conditions.
In Senegal, we met with concerned authorities about the SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) application and got support to submit the ODA request letter successfully.

