Development of cultivation technology in Japan

Mango greenhouse cultivation is a unique technology in Japan

 Most of the mangoes produced in Japan are grown in greenhouses. One of the main reasons for this is to maintain a temperature environment that is conducive to the growth of mango, a tropical fruit tree, even in Japan, which is located in temperate and subtropical region. Another reason is to prevent the flowers from being exposed to rain. In Southeast Asia, mangoes bloom during the dry season when there is no rain, but in Japan, where it rains throughout the year, it also rains during the blooming season. If the pollen and pistil get wet, the mangoes cannot be pollinated properly and do not produce fruit.

 In Japan, where the high temperature period is limited and rainfall is frequent during the flowering season, fruits are rarely harvested and the mango itself has not attracted much attention. However, after Okinawa developed a rainproof cultivation technique, mango cultivation spread to the warm regions of Japan. Intensive cultivation techniques, including pruning and pollination, were developed to ensure efficient and stable production of high quality fruit in the limited facilities of greenhouses. As a result, domestic mangoes have become established as a high-grade fruit, and cultivation is expanding dramatically.

JIRCAS / JIRCAS Mango Genetic Resources Site / Mango-pedia