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A recipe of pork ribs soup with Kelp

A recipe of pork ribs soup with Kelp photo
Pork ribs soup with Kelp.
Soak the kelp in water, for about 2 hours. Cook pork ribs in boiling water for 1 hour. Chop carrots and potatoes, smash the root celery and garlic and add them to the pot, and season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 1 hour and then add kelp. Dice the coriander and green shallots and for a garnish when serving the soup.

water 3 measuring cups, pork ribs 300 g, dried kelp 100 g, carrot 5-6 pieces, potato 5-6 pieces, garlic 2 cloves, roots celeries 2-3 pieces, grounded black pepper, salt, coriander, green shallots 2 plants