Some pathogens of cercosporiosis collected in Brazil

Technical bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center
ISSN 03889394
NII recode ID (NCID) AA00857848
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Among the specimens collected in Brazil during the period extending from February 1974 to March 1976, the following 81 species were identified: Cercospora tetragoniae, C.celosiae, C. oblecta, C. fukushiana, C. pyrostegiae, C. mamaonis, C. beticola, C bidentis, C calendulae, C. chrysanthemi, C. gerberae, C. grandissima, C. helianthicola, C. tegeticola, C. vemoniae, C. zinniae, C. ipomoeae, C. timorensis, C. crucif erarum, C. nasturtii, C. citrullina, C. ugandensis, C. kaki, C. acalyphae, C pulcherrimae, C. ricinella, C. castaneae, C fusimaculans, C. koepkei, C. oryzae, C. setariae, C. vaginae, C. leonuri, C. menthicola, C. purpurea, C. arachidicola, C. austrinae, C. bauhiniae, C. canescens, C. cruenta, C.. flagellifera, C. kikuchii, C. stizolobii, C. wisteriae, C asparagi, C. althaeina, C sidae, C. morina, C. musae, C. eucalypti, C myrticola, C. sawadae, C. sesami, C. punicae, C. cydoniae, C. laxipes, C. mali, C. prunicola, C. rosicola, C. spiraeicola, C. coffeicola, C. diodiae, C. salicina, C. salicis, C. hydrangeae, C. paulowniae, C atromarginalis, C. capsici, C. nicotianae, C. triumfettae, C. apii, C. carotae, C.formosana, C. guianensis, Cercosporidium henningsii, C. personatum, Cercoseptoria theae, Phaeoramularia capsicicola, Sirosporium diffusum, and Stigmina mangiferae. Besides, the writers proposed to designate the fungus observed on parsley as Cercospora petroselinicola n. sp.
Cercospora hitherto reported in Brazil were listed and 73 species belonging to Cercospora and related genera were proved to be common to Japanese species, which were mostly found on cultivated plants.
Date of issued
Creator Toshihiko Hino Hasime Tokeshi
Publisher Tropical Agriculture Research Center
Volume 11
spage 1
epage 133
Language eng

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