Research Highlights - Ghana
国際農林水産業研究センターにおける研究成果のうち、成果が特に顕著で、広く利用を図ることが望ましいと考えられる成果を要約してご紹介しています。 各年度の国際農林水産業研究成果情報。
- Mitigating income stagnation and volatility in African smallholder agriculture using small reservoir irrigation technology and stochastic programming model(2022)
- A curve number estimation model to accurately calculate reservoir inflow(2022)
- Effect of non-flooded water management on inside-canopy temperature dynamics, spikelet sterility, and grain yield of lowland rice in the tropics(2020)
- Topographical selection and sulfur application enable high grain yields in rice in currently unutilized floodplain ecosystems of northern Ghana(2017)
- Reinforcement technology that can be applied by farmers themselves using ground-cover plants for irrigation facilities in paddy fields(2017)
- High-yielding and stable rice varieties in the flood plains of Upper Volta River in Ghana(2015)
- Manual of soil fertility improvement technologies in lowland rice ecologies of Ghana(2014)
- Limited Si-nutrient status of rice plants in relation to plant-available Si of soils, nitrogen fertilizer application, and rice-growing environment across Sub-Saharan Africa(2013)
- Topographic distribution of the soil total carbon content and sulfur deficiency for rice cultivation in a floodplain ecosystem of the Northern region of Ghana(2012)
- Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa(2011)
- Indigenous organic resources for improving soil fertility in rice systems in Sub-Saharan Africa(2011)
- Interlinkage in the rice market of Ghana: Money-lending millers enhance efficiency(2003)