Low impact harvesting method for tropical natural forests




To reduce harvesting impacts of selective cutting operations in tropical natural forests, we are conducting the following studies; 1. Examination of soil compaction caused by bulldozer logging operations, and the effect of controlled felling direction, 2. Development of new cable yarding system using mobile tower yarder, which has an advantage in harvesting impacts over conventional system.


Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Forestry Division

Forest Research Institute Malaysia


Technical A

Term of research

FY2000 (FY1996-1998-2001)

Responsible researcher

SASAKI Shozo ( Forestry Division )

RASHID Muhammad Farid Abdul ( Forest Research Institute Malaysia )

SALAM Ahmad ( Forest Research Institute Malaysia )

YAMADA Takeshi ( Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute )

Japanese PDF

2000_22_A3_ja.pdf749.74 KB

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