Chapter 1: Introduction

JIRCAS Working Report
ISSN 1341710X
NII recode ID (NCID) AA11159468

Chapter 1: Introduction

1. Objectives and target for this manual
2. Overview of WeRise development
3. File organization
4. File naming
5. Data requirements for ORYZA v3


Date of issued
Creator Keiichi Hayashi Lizzida Llorca Iris Bugayong Orden M.E.M. Agustiani N Capistrano A.O.V.
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Type Book
NII resource type vocabulary Book
Volume 92
spage 3
epage 9
Rights Reproduction and reprint of content herein are authorized only with prior written permission from JIRCAS
Relation isPartOf :
Language eng

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