
JIRCAS Working Report
ISSN 1341710X
NII recode ID (NCID) AA11159468
In this report we have discussed the effectiveness of technology development by using the ideas sought from the farmers that they have no relationship with the stakeholders directly. We have shown three successful cases as technology development based-on the following non-stakeholders’ ideas; (1) the idea was offered from a farmer living in rice producing area to the alkali-saline soil area in Heilongjiang province; that is to improve grassland on soil intercepted of capillarity by chaff as coarse layer., (2) the idea was obtained from the livestock sector as a vegetable cultivation system with multifunctionality in Inner Mongolia; that is to cultivate organic vegetables using heat generated by cow dung, (3) the idea was sought from the farmers living in semi-arid region to the famers producing rice; that is a labor saving application technique, which floating organic material is put into the paddy fields. This report concluded that it was effective for solving the complex regional issues to encourage the participation and creativity of the various farmers involving non-stakeholders.
Date of issued
Creator 中本和夫 李麗原
Volume 87
spage 114
epage 122
Relation isPartOf : JIRCAS Working Report no.87
Language jpn

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