Major Pests of Maize and Control Measures in Japan

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X
Full text

Major pests of maize in Japan include armyworm, oriental corn borer, wireworm, aphid, pink borer, black cutworm, seedcorn maggot, and several species of birds. Among these pests, the first four species and some birds are economically the most important pests. An overall review on the ecological aspects and their control measures indicates that the most promising measure for controlling those pests is an adoption of cultural control methods including use of resistant varieties. The major pests, however, have to be controlled effectively by pesticides in advance to their severe infestations. Further research is needed to develop adequate combinations of cultural and chemicl control measures for effective and low cost management of maize pests.

Date of issued
Creator Yoshio HIRAI
Available Online
NII resource type vocabulary Journal Article
Volume 25
Issue 1
spage 12
epage 16
Language eng

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