The CGIAR–JIRCAS Partnerships for Sustainable Food Systems: Rice Blast Differential Systems and Biological Nitrification Inhibition as Examples

Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
NII recode ID (NCID) AA0068709X
Full text
The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) working with partners such as CGIAR and its research centers, has made notable progress in creating farming solutions directed at the needs of poor farmers worldwide. This review discusses two critical achievements— development and deployment of differential systems for blast study in rice and biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Both achievements were initiated from basic studies. Results of the research guide crop improvement programs designed to introgress rice blast resistance and BNI into target crops. Both works clearly highlight that collaboration of scientists are key to the success. The wide research networks of JIRCAS and CGIAR are effective at establishing partnerships which can tackle the complexity and geographic scale of challenges in agricultural research. CGIAR’s strong presence in regions where problems occur, rich genetic resources, and strong genetic improvement programs are crucial to effective research-for-development activities to achieve agricultural sustainability. CGIAR–JIRCAS partnerships should be strengthened to bringing the benefits of science to the world’s poor farmers.
Date of issued
Creator Satoru MURANAKA Yoshimichi FUKUTA Guntur V. SUBBARAO Tadashi YOSHIHASHI
Subject Africa Rice Center CIAT CIMMYT ICRISAT IRRI
Publisher Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
Received Date 2021-01-05
Accepted Date 2021-02-22
Volume 55
Special Issue
spage 501
epage 509
Language eng

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