The ecological characters of higher fungi were investigated in field. Their life types could be classified to 3 major types according to the modes of mycelial growth under natural conditions; Fairy ring type I, Irregular mycelial mat type II and Dispersed colony type III. These types were divided into 13 subtypes by the levels of development in mycelial structures such as rhizomorph. The species without any differentiated mycelial structures except mycelial bundles form witches'-broom shaped and parasitic mycorrhizae. The ones with mycelial strands form the tree branch or witches'-broom shaped and symbiotic mycorrhizae. The ones with rhizomorphs form the typical mycorrhizae in spite of rod, fork, pinnate and coralloid, or the cluster of them. The species without rhizomorphs form their colonies mainly in mineral soils from HA to C horizons occupying the larger areas. The ones with rhizomorphs inhabit widely under various soil conditions.