Starter N applied at less than 80 kg/ha as basal dressing increased the dry matter production of Greenleaf-Kazungula mixture without any setback in the production of legume component, Greenleaf.
Although Greenleaf was more competitive for light than the grass, its roots were not able to compete against the grass roots for soil nutrients. This disadvantage was overcome by the application of starter N at a moderate rate, less than 80 kg/ha.
Uptake of starter N by Greenleaf was more stable under various light intensity × temperature combination than biological N2-fixation. Of different forms of N, NH4-N was most suitable for the starter.
Application of starter NH4-N at the rates less than 80 kg/ha as a basal dressing is expected to achieve quick pasture establishment and increased levels of the first year's pasture production without causing any retarded growth of the legume component. This will be effective to minimize soil erosion in the establishing phase of pasture. In addition, an increased pasture productivity is expected in the following established phase.