Open Data


JIRCAS is pleased to announce that information published on this website may now be downloaded in CSV or JSON-LD formats, in accordance with the Basic Act for the Advancement of Public and Private Data Utilization (Act No. 103 of 2016). The following data, updated from time to time, are currently available for download: JIRCAS Reports/Conference Summaries, Events/Symposiums, Business Trip Reports, Research Highlights, Publications, and Public Notices.

As stated in Article 11, Paragraph 2 of Act No.103, this measure will contribute to enhancing public interest and enable citizens to easily use the relevant data via the Internet.

Data Download

Content Type Download

Field Information

Events and Symposiums
Business Trip Reports
Research Highlights
Procurement Public Notices

Data Format


In addition to the csv file format, which can be used in spreadsheet programs like MS Excel, etc., you can also use the JSON-LD format for describing RDF (Resource Description Framework) using the vocabularies and a common vocabulary base such as Core Vocabulary version 2.4.1.

  • CSV format
    • UTF-8 (with BOM) character code
    • Comma separated
  • JSON-LD format
    • UTF-8 character code


The content may be used on condition that the source is properly cited in accordance with the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use Version 2.0 (compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY)).

Correction history

Date Corrections/Modifications
  • Resumption some outputs in JSON-LD format.

  • Some outputs in JSON-LD format have been temporarily disabled/suspended (pending adjustments to settings).
  • For Publications, CSV output for each journal has been prepared. 
  • JSON-LD output of the Public Notices output format has been corrected.


Ohwashi 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686 JAPAN

Public Relations and Publications Section, Information and Public Relations Office, JIRCAS

TEL : +81-29-838-6341